星星系列网站之星星日志,此个人日志主要记录网站和站长的各种无聊事件。since 2007
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EveryDNS has been acquired by Dyn, Inc! 被收购?
Update: 01-07-2010: EveryDNS has been acquired by Dyn, Inc!
DynDNS.com則是一家收費DNS解析服務公司,成立時間為1998年,2007年獲新罕布什爾州最佳小公司稱號,客戶包括Twitter等網站在 內,為1200萬個用戶提供了節點服務。
To the EveryDNS community,
Since starting EveryDNS in June of 2001 while a freshman in college, my
goal has always been to provide simple, reliable and secure DNS services to
the Internet community. I'm proud to say that we've lived up to that
mission and delivered robust DNS services to over 400,000 domains. Nearly
9 years later, it's now time to put the service in more capable hands and
I'm happy to announce that I've found a great home for EveryDNS. I have
sold the EveryDNS service to Dyn Inc., the operators of the immensely
popular DynDNS.com service.
Over the many years of running EveryDNS I have been fortunate to build up
relationships and friendships within the industry, particularly Jeremy
Hitchcock and Tom Daly, the CEO and CTO respectively of Dyn Inc. In
getting to know them I have learned that we share similar values in our
desire to deliver world-class services to our customers and the Internet
community at large.
In looking to transition the ownership of EveryDNS, I had a number of
really exciting options, but none made as much sense as a sale to Dyn Inc.
They have a growing staff that is ready to work with me and all of you to
ensure that the transition is a smooth one.
Here are links to the press release, and a blog post by Dyn Inc. CEO Jeremy
Announcement: http://www.dyn.com/everydns-aquisition
Blog post: http://www.dyn.com/dd-welcome-everydns
I've also prepared a short Q&A to answer some immediate questions that
might come up:
1) Will my DNS service be interrupted?
Absolutely not. While we're working to transition services over to the
Dyn infrastructure, we will do everything possible to ensure it's a
seamless and painless transition for you.
2) Do I have to do anything or make any changes?
Nope. You will be given plenty of notice if you have to do anything. But
in the short term, nothing is changing.
3) Will the service remain free?
While we don't 100% have the answer to that yet, we will not be making any
changes to the service you are currently receiving for the foreseeable
future. We will be discontinuing signups in the near future but existing
accounts will remain active and fully functional.
The Dyn Inc. team and I will be communicating more information in the
coming weeks and months, but if you have an immediate question or comment,
please send it to questions (at) everydns (dot) com
Thank you,
David Ulevitch
Founder, EveryDNS
web hosting server down
Firefox 無法與伺服器 www.pcstar.org.ru 建立連線。
<meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=8" />
就可以强制IE8使用IE8模式来解析,而且那个兼容性视图 按钮也被去掉了。
不久前出的Google Chrome Frame也可以让IE用上Chrome的引擎:
<meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="chrome=1" />
<meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=8,chrome=1"/>
<meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=8">
<meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="chrome=1">
Game For Windows 升级了
首台完全自主创新防火墙启用 由曙光龙芯打造
新闻来源:网易科技1月27日消息,据中科院龙芯项目方面透露,首款基于龙芯处理器的防火墙产品已经在西藏自治区资源共享平台投入使用。这也是软硬件各方面第一台完全自主可 控的防火墙产品。 据了解,这台防火墙目前已经应用在西藏自治区文化信息共享平台。在这个平台中,共有41套龙芯防火墙投入使用。曙光提供服务器、磁盘阵列到防火墙等各类产 品,而防火墙产品使用了龙芯的2F芯片。
龙芯方面表示,这是第一台完全自主可控的防火墙产品,因为其软件、硬件、系统、核心芯片均为国内自主研发。 龙芯2F为最新款高性能龙芯处理器,而之前龙芯3号流片成功的消息也表明很快将看到第一款国内自主研发的多核处理器。 据了解,龙芯还在和曙光尝试合作超级计算机等产品。
PS:什么是Game For Windows?其实这是某个防火墙三个字母的另外一种解释。
Google AdSense被挂马?
今天我博客上有网友爆料,所有包含Google AdSense广告的网站都会被卡巴斯基报病毒Trojan.JS.Redirector.ar,经过搜索可知,这个问题从今天下午3点到5点期间普遍存 在,所有挂了Google AdSense广告的网站都会被卡巴斯基报Trojan.JS.Redirector.ar木马病毒提示。
AdSense中文博客已经发布了一则公告,标题是:"Google AdSense引起杀毒软件报警问题的反馈",称"AdSense 中文小组今天陆续收到一些用户关于Google AdSense代码引起杀毒软件报警的反馈,目前我们正在与相关方进行沟通,争取使问题尽快得以解决"。AdSense英文博客至今未有说明。
如果Google AdSense的服务器真的被挂了木马病毒,那将是令人震惊的,因为Google AdSense的使用如此的广泛,连新浪网都在使用,真是病毒的话那对用户来说将是一场灾难,对于Google来说也同样道理。
Google有两样服务的代码在全球的网站都很普及,一个是Google AdSense,一个是Google Analytics,Google应该尽最大努力确保这两项服务不被黑客攻破,否则后果不堪设想。
晚间时分,卡巴斯基中国公司证实,这 是一起病毒误报事件,Google Adsense代码正常。卡巴斯基用户在下次升级病毒后即可解决,不同用户升级病毒库的时间不同,所以故障的恢复时间不一。
Blogger 将于 2010年3月26日关闭 FTP 发布功能
谷奥——探寻谷歌的奥秘 [http://www.google.org.cn]
Blogger 支持包括 FTP 在内的很多种发布方式,但是今天 Google 在 Blog 中提到目前仅有0.5%的活跃 Blog 再使用 FTP 发布功能,但是工程师们在这项功能上花费的精力却远不止这么少。另外 FTP 发布的所需的一个基础架构即将消失,这意味着整个 FTP 发布功能的代码全部需要重写。
于是 Google 决定从今年3月26日起放弃对 FTP 发布的支持,将这部分开发资源转移到新功能的开发上。为了使原先的 FTP 发布用户可以平滑过渡,Google 还专门开放了一个新的 blog 来帮助大家转移。
via bloggerbuzz