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中评社香港10月24日电/越南一名被年轻人奉为偶像的少女明星,近日与前男友的性爱短片在网上曝光,令全国震惊,电视台被迫腰斩她主演的健康青春剧。一些家长怒斥她的行为有违道德,年轻网民则深表同情。事件中的女主角日前声泪俱下,向父母道歉及希望支持者原谅。今次事件引发保守的越南社会关注年轻人的性开放问题。 据英国广播公司报道,19岁青春剧女星黄垂玲(Hoang Thuy Linh)与美国籍前男友的性爱短片长5分钟,由手机拍摄,被人上载到YouTube网站。现时该段短片已被删除,但仍被转载到其他网站,包括一段20分钟的“加长版”。网上流传指,黄垂玲的前男友因不满她另结新欢,于是将性爱短片公开。 疑美籍前男友报复结新欢 黄垂玲的性丑闻,近日已成为越南社会最具争议的话题。该国记者阮雄评论道﹕“这是发生在越南网络世界历来最可耻、最具争议的事。”黄垂玲因在健康青春剧《金瑛的日记》 (Vang Anh's Diaries)中饰演金瑛一角色走红,成为不少年轻人的偶像。《金瑛的日记》主要讲述越南中学生的生活,探讨青少年问题,观众可透过电邮及手机短讯就生活及道德等议题投票,现正播出第2季。但“金瑛丑闻”曝光后,越南电视台周一宣布停播这个节目,有家长更要求电视台辞去黄垂玲,但有年青人称短片已经损害了她的名声。 主演人气剧集遭腰斩 黄垂玲虽然在剧中饰演中学生,但实际上她已读大学一年级。在越南,虽然年轻人发生性关系并不罕见,但问题是《金瑛的日记》在越南极受欢迎,不少人称赞它能点出当前青少年的问题。 在丑闻曝光前,越南的家长都让子女观看这个节目,认为有教育意义,因为剧中人不但聪明美丽,而且在学校表现优秀。一名13岁少女说﹕“我和所有朋友都经常看《金瑛的日记》,我尤其喜欢金瑛一角,她活泼美丽又有型,我喜欢她的性格。”她表示,当父母告诉她不准再看《金瑛的日记》时,感到十分震惊,“妈妈说金瑛已变成一名坏女孩,但没有解释原因。” 家长斥违道德 网民议论纷纷 尽管事件引起越南社会极大回响,但官方传媒却批评为“煽情”及“低俗”,甚少报道。但网上博客及论坛却继续对黄垂玲的性丑闻议论纷纷,讨论她到底值得同情还是应遭惩罚。《西贡行销周报》指出,这个问题不应只由小报报道,主流报章亦需要解答,“这是一个关乎博客及私隐保障 的资讯控制问题,亦是现今越南社会性革命的问题。”

19岁青春剧女星黄垂玲(Hoang Thuy Linh)与美国籍前男友的性爱短片长5分钟,由手机拍摄,被人上载到YouTube网站。

Hoang Thuy Linh
Wong Chui-Ling (Hoang Thuy Linh),one Chinese people are not very familiar with the name! But in Vietnam is a 19-year-old star.
Wong Chui-Ling is an actress Vietnam has always been purified line, a young star comedy "金瑛's Diary" and later ah, the Internet has been a particularly exposed screen, so the theater to broadcast the. She film of the Vietnam National University director of a 15-year-old students, models (Wong Chui-Ling said it was now 19 years old) starring "金瑛's Diary" star, high school and college students highly praised.
On October 11, 2007, yahoo website found Wong Chui-Ling and the former boyfriend of sex-related video, 16 minutes or so.
19-year-old actress Wong Chui-Ling (Hoang Thuy Linh) and the American former boyfriend of Love, short films long five minutes from the cell phone cameras being uploaded to YouTube website. Currently The API has been deleted, but still being reproduced to other sites, including a period of 20 minutes Spread refers to the Internet, Wong Chui-Ling's former boyfriend because of dissatisfaction with her, then sex films will be open.
Wong Chui-Ling is an actress Vietnam has always been purified line, a young star comedy "金瑛's Diary" and later ah, the Internet has been a particularly exposed screen, so the theater to broadcast the. She film of the Vietnam National University director of a 15-year-old students, models (Wong Chui-Ling said it was now 19 years old) starring "金瑛's Diary" star, high school and college students highly praised.
On October 11, 2007, yahoo website found Wong Chui-Ling and the former boyfriend of sex-related video, 16 minutes or so.
19-year-old actress Wong Chui-Ling (Hoang Thuy Linh) and the American former boyfriend of Love, short films long five minutes from the cell phone cameras being uploaded to YouTube website. Currently The API has been deleted, but still being reproduced to other sites, including a period of 20 minutes Spread refers to the Internet, Wong Chui-Ling's former boyfriend because of dissatisfaction with her, then sex films will be open.
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