
越过长城,走向世界 - 月光博客


  这封邮件的内容是:"Across the Great Wall we can reach every corner in the world.(越过长城,走向世界)",现在看起来,极具讽刺意味,那时是1987年,虽然那时中国在经济上还不开放,但从某种意义上来说,那个时代是中国最自由的时代,那时中国人虽然很穷,但活着却有尊严,那时的人们是善良的,不愿说谎话,真心希望国家富强壮大,人心是有希望的,而这个希望,现在早已经破灭了。




How we use spam reports

Google Webmaster Tools not only help us communicate with webmasters, but also provide a channel for you to inform us about spam sites you find online. Thanks to you, we’ve received many spam reports that have helped us improve search quality by showing more relevant, useful sites in our results.It's easy to submit a spam report via either of two channels, authenticated and unauthenticated. We give a higher priority to the reports that are submitted through an authenticated channel such as Webmaster Tools. Or you can submit unauthenticated reports. Since the unauthenticated reports are reported anonymously, we may give it lower priority to process.Here's how a spam report submitted from Webmaster Tools is processed:
We evaluate the spam report
We take spam reports very seriously, and we have dedicated staff to timely process reports.
We primarily evaluate spam reports in reference to our webmaster guidelines. We determine whether we agree or disagree with the user's report.
A spam site commonly uses illicit techniques to mislead search engines to (mis)lead users to certain websites. The Webmaster Guidelines cover most (but not all) common forms of behavior that we consider deceptive or manipulative. We suggest you review our webmaster guidelines listed in our Webmaster Help Center. These will help you create a search-engine friendly website that both Google and users would view as spam-free. There are cases where we disagree with the spam report's evaluation, and those reports are then disregarded. The confirmed reports are forwarded to our engineering teams.We take action on confirmed spam reports
We take action on many confirmed spam sites, either manually and/or algorithmically. Furthermore, the extent of our action is dependent on the severity of the violation -- a confirmed spam report doesn't necessarily mean the entire site will be removed from the index.Taking action on spam by improving our algorithmsIt's most efficient for us to combat spam through our algorithms. We use spam reports about one site to create algorithmic improvements detecting spam in all sites similar to the report. We then extensively test our changes before we push our new code into production. This engineering process takes time. When people ask the question "Why haven't you penalized the spam site I've reported?", if we confirmed their spam report, then it's likely that we're working, or will be working, on an algorithmic solution.Taking manual action on a spam siteWe may also take manual action on confirmed spam sites. This process is obviously much faster, but it's not as robust a method to improve our search quality as the algorithmic approach.We can contact webmasters to correct their site
If we believe that a reported spam site is in violation of the webmaster guidelines but is otherwise legitimate, we may try to contact the webmaster to correct their site. We contact webmasters via email and, if they have a verified site in Webmaster Tools, we can also send them a note through the Message Center. Our goal is to deliver the most relevant results to users. We hope that our users and webmasters keep reporting spam sites, as it helps us to improve our algorithms and improve search quality. If you have questions about what's spam, visit our Help Center or post your question in our discussion group. And, of course, if you find a spam site, please let us know!


中新网9月19日电综合消息:19日2时30分,今年第13号台风"韦帕"在浙江省温州市苍南县渔寮登陆。登陆时中心最大风力达14级,风速每秒45米,中心气压950百帕。 19日凌晨2点24分,国家气象局副局长从台州连夜赶至温州。 截止到18日20时,浙江地区灾前转移人员工作已基本结束,共有159万余可能受灾人员被转移,其中温州转移近60万人,台州转移近40万人。浙江省防指称,该数据已刷新浙江省历史受灾人员转移的纪录。


Google Docs新增演示文稿 - 月光博客

  据Google黑板报报道,Google已经正式推出了Google Docs的新成员-Google Docs presentations(Google幻灯片/演示文稿),这是一个类似微软的Microsoft Office PowerPoint的软件,不过这个软件是网络版的。

  Google Docs目前已经拥有三个成员,分别为Google Documents(文档)、Google Spreadsheets(电子表格)、Google Presentations(演示文稿),其矛头直指微软的Word、Excel、PowerPoint。不同的是,Google的Office产品是基于 SaaS应用的,而微软的Office是基于桌面的,这也是SaaS对传统桌面的一次新的挑战

  目前Google的这个产品是免费的,不过对于用户的文档进行了一些限制,每个文档最大可达500KB,演示文稿最大可达10MB,电子表格最大可达1MB。 显然这种限制是Google Docs的一个缺陷,我工作时候不少文档都会超过这个限制。





发表者 谷海一粟, WebSpam 组转载自谷歌中文网站管理员博客



很多站长都怀疑Google工具条是否有助于新站的收录,之前风采依扬也问过SEOer,Google工具条是否有利于网站的收录?答案比较模糊,有的人说:Google tool有可能会把信息发送到google服务器上,但必须大量使用。有的人说:之前Matt Cutts跟Philipp打过赌做试验,最后是Matt Cutts胜出。


在设置选项中”向Google发送使用统计信息”,用户可以选择自己电脑上Google 工具栏是否向 Google 自动发送标准的、数量有限的信息。而Google官方网站也指出:“这些信息可能会保留在 Google 的服务器日志中。除非您启用工具栏的高级功能,否则工具栏不会发送任何有关您访问网页的信息(如网址)。”
所以进一步的证实google toolbart是有助于新的页面更容易让Google收录!
Google为什么在google tool使用统计信息?
我们知道Google搜索是注重用户体验的,网站用户体验不好在SE上也不会获得有好的排名,同时google 网站管理员指南中也指出:网站应实用且信息丰富,网页文字应清晰、准确地表述要传达的内容。要考虑到用户会使用哪些字词来查找您的网页,确保网站上确实包含了这些文字。Google是拥有一大批用户体验专家,专门负责对Google各项网络技术产品进行易用性改进。因此google toolbart选项中”向Google发送使用统计信息”可收集用户体验数据同时也有助于新站的收录。

作者: 风采依扬 原载: 点石互动搜索引擎优化博客版权所有,转载时必须以链接形式注明作者和原始出处及本声明。